The goal of The INSTITUTE for CARING is to provide an organized platform whereby people can activate their passion to move our country from bureaucracy, chaos, polarization and frustration to actionable and sustainable change. We can do this by building a groundswell of momentum to influence our existing representatives, or elect new people who will commit to creating pilot programs of the CARING system. If there is a better way, why not try it? We must have an engaged community of believers, active supporters and voters to talk to their friends, go online, and use as many means as possible to tell people that there is a way that we can change our direction and save our beloved country from financial and cultural collapse.
One of the great aspects of the CARING system is that it can be tried and experimented in a microcosm. We must insist that our representatives create pilot programs of the CARING System in at least 10 counties in the USA. That will show the efficiency, effectiveness and the compassion of CARING. Once that is proven we can expand it to the rest of the country.